Back n Break!
Woooo hooo! I'm back and also currently taking 2 weeks break from intensive work and such. I also somehow manage to finish my comic, and it's fully colored too. I didn't imagine that I can do it, but I can do it!
This year this first con event as I'll go to fursquare event as circle. I'm very excited! I also have a lot to catch up with my personal site as I didn't upload my art for a while now. Like big while. 4 months or so! I will find some day to do it during my two weeks break.
I also start going back to post art on Twitter however one day after opening it eeeeeh it got suspended so that's that. I just kind of glad about it as I get overly worried about it. PTSD and all that. So many plans and many things to do after this but I just achieve one milestone of my life so let me rest a bit until chasing new goal.